I use Spotify on my computer from time to time but I hate when the Ads start playing.

The first solution I was using was blocking Spotify Ads DNS’s, but that stopped working after a while.

I don’t mind having a break between a few songs, but I don’t wanna hear the Ads, so I decided to create a small script to hack it.

The script does the following:

  1. Using OSX log system I can listen to Spotify events.
  2. Read the events and check if an Ad is about to be played.
  3. If the event is an Ad about to be played automatically mute system audio.
  4. If the next event is a song, unmute system audio.

How to install it

  1. Open a new terminal (use Spotlight search and type terminal.app)
  2. Inside the new window paste this command and then hit enter

     mkdir -p ~/MuteSpotifyAds && curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gdi3d/mute-spotify-ads-mac-osx/master/NoAdsSpotify.sh > ~/MuteSpotifyAds/NoAdsSpotify.sh
  3. This will create a new folder inside your Home folder called MuteSpotifyAds and will place a new file called NoAdsSpotify.sh
  4. To run the program just copy and paste the code below in the terminal and hit enter

     sh ~/MuteSpotifyAds/NoAdsSpotify.sh
  5. Open Spotify and enjoy!

To exit the program just close the terminal app or press Ctrl+c

Why not blocking Ads instead???

I used to have all the Spotify Ads DNS blocked but that stopped working.

Besides, I was bored that Saturday noon and I wanted to give it a try.

Website and Github Repo


Here’s the repo if you want to know more:


Photo Credits: https://www.pexels.com/@burst